Sunday, March 25, 2012


i can't update you guys with any pictures of what we are doing out here in cali. but i would like tell you how much i love you and i bet i have posted a post identical to this but that just shows how true these words are.
i know this picture doesn't show everyone but this photo shows exactly what i love to come home (to Utah) to. i love the little cousins you sit in my lap (even if they are 8 year old boys who say they are too old to) i love being surrounded by giggling children who i adore. i love the adults who are so nice and i love a lot. not only are my amazing aunts and uncles nice but they have brought such wonderful children into this world and i get the pleasure to watch them. and sometimes i get payed to watch and sometime i don't but that is okay because watching these adorable children is not work it is my pleasure. and don't forget my grandpa or my grandma. those to people though they aren't my parents or Halle's or archer's they started it all by bringing our parents into the world. and you can blame this loving post on the birth of my to new cousins drake and Josie but really i feel this way everyday. i have the best family in the world with the nicest grandparents the coolest aunts and uncles and the cutest cousins. my friends know everyone's names in our family and when i'm anxious for grandma to come out so are they. ( whether its because they want to meet her or they know how happy she makes me) when i wear a smile all day because my new cousins were born so do they. when i'm excited and want to celebrate one of the cousins birthdays so do they. i actually have people i don't hang out with say, "hey it is amazing how you love your family" or "your family must be really awesome" everyone knows that my family is the most important thing to me so i want you guys to know how important you guys are to me.

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