Tuesday, April 24, 2012

one direction forever

five amazing boys-one amazing band






an just so no one is last in line all five of them! these boys have amazing talent look them up! there not just all good looks they are amazing singers too! one direction forever! ♥

Monday, April 23, 2012

report card

 language arts                                                                                                        A-
math                                                                                                                       B
social studies                                                                                                         A
science                                                                                                                  A-
advance band/  choir                                                                                           A/A
p.e                                                                                                                         A-
cross-curricular                                                                                                     A
teachers assistant                                                                                                  A


i just want  to be ok!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


today... i made raspberry lemonade
and i made raspberry sorbet


Friday, April 20, 2012

colton dixon

i have officially lost all faith in humanity. how on earth could every single soul in America not vote for colton how could he leave the show. colton was meant to be the winner of American idol. just like how colton took it worse when his sister got kicked of the show i took it worse than him. i think it is impossible to not love colton. colton was amazing and he said to the judges he wold would keep their advice in mind when he was recording his own music and i know he will. he is to good not to get a record deal. and i will be his #1 fan i will know every lyric to very one of his songs and he will come back to American idol not some year but next year just like James and preform a killer song from his album. i have faith in colton dixon. i know he will become and amazing artist. i love you colton!! have a happy music career and may the odds be ever in your favor. colton is one of the most amazing singers ever. colton for life never stop the message!